Midwestern Events
(Eddie Little Bear and Family will be at the events marked with an *)
Early American Calendar
April 24 – 26 Colonial Timeline, Lyon Farm, Yorkville IL
F&I War through War of 1812,
Military and Civilian displays and encampments, battle reenactments, Sutler’s
For more info call (630) 336-2614 or
Email reenactorfest@aol.com
*April 24 – 26 The Gathering at Macktown,
Rockton IL
A 1650 – 1850 timeline event held at the
site of the Historic Stephen Mack Home.
Military and Civilian displays and encampments, battle reenactments,
Sutler’s Row and Food Vendors
For more info go to www.macktownlivinghistory.com
April 24 – 26 Bridgeton Mountain Man
Rendezvous, Bridgeton IN
Pre – 1840 event featuring Black Powder
shoots, Bow shoots, Hawk and Knife throws, etc.
Working gristmill and other demonstrations as well.
For more info, contact Larry Keller, PO
Box 148, Montezuma IN or call (765) 245-2596
April 24 – 26 Redbud Trail Rendezvous,
Rochester IN
Rendezvous on a riverbank portraying
frontier history with Pioneer and Native villages, Sutler’s, demonstrations,
For more info, contact the Fulton County
Historical Society, (574) 223-4436 or www.icss.net/~fchs
April 28 – May 3 Bloody Lake Rendezvous,
Woodford WI
Pre – 1840 event featuring Black Powder
shoots, Bow shoots, Hawk and Knife throws, Kids Games, Sutler’s,
demonstrations, and more
For more info contact Sue Crase, (608)
862-5724 or Email maboone@tds.net
May 2 – 3 Lore of Laughery, Friendship IN
NMLRA juried event featuring
Demonstrators, Craftspeople and Food Vendors from the F&I War through the
War of 1812 time period
For more info contact Leslie Martin-Dotson,
(765) 563-6792 or Email nmlraevents@scidata.com
May 7 – 10 The Past Passed Here, Chippewa
Falls, WI
Timeline event covering the French Fur
Trade era through the Early Lumber era of the area. Demonstrators – including Hands On demos,
Sutler’s, Food Vendors, etc.
For more info contact Chippewa Falls Main
Street, (715) 723-9007 or visit www.ChippewaFallsMainSt.org
May 8 – 10 Spring Fling at Hester’s Farm,
Walkerton IN
Early American event in an 1830’s
village. Demonstrations, black powder
and archery, hawk and knife, etc.
For more info contact Hester’s Farm at
(547) 586-2105
May 16 – 17 Voyager Rendezvous, Grand
Kankakee Marsh Park, Hebron IN
Military, Civilian and Native
encampments, Sutler’s, demonstrations, etc.
For more info contact Dawn Robertson,
(219) 947-7572 or Email dawnr@lakecountyparks.com
*May 23 – 24 Fort
Koshkonong Rendezvous, Fort Atkinson WI
re-enactment of life in the early 1840's with authentic food, clothing, trade
goods and campsites. This year's theme
is "Handcrafted on the Frontier."
more information go to www.fortchamber.com
French & Indian War Calendar
American Revolutionary War Calendar
War of 1812 Calendar
I have endeavored to list all of the events within a 2-week ride of Fort Dearborne (or within 500 miles of Chicago IL in more "modern" terms). If you know of any other events that should be listed, please E-mail me at elb@elbtipi.com
Midwestern Events /Ed "Eddie Little Bear" Emerson /updated 3/21/2009